
Can I really write a book? It was a thought that, even in my wildest
dreams, I never would have imagined if it hadn't been for my wife
Anna. When she wrote her book ideas started to bounce around in
my brain. What if I too could write a book? It's thanks to her support
and encouragement that this book exists.

Thanks Anna!

The other person I'd like to thank is my colleague Henrik Smedberg
who encouraged me to write, and arranged the economic requirements. And then you were involved and read all the time, and came with suggestions for improvement.

Thank you Henrik!

I also want to thank Tomas Gustavsson and John Johansson at the publisher TUK Förlag AB. I have had such wonderful support from you both from the day I showed you a first synopsis and through the entire process. You have read through my manuscript so many times and came with good feedback and encouraging words. You've done a fantastic job.

Additionally, I would like to thank Mia Ohlsson who has been my
linguistic support. Without Mia's support and knowledge, the language in the book would have left a lot to be desired.

I also want to thank my two children Sofia and Johan for encouraging
me, and all my colleagues at Two who have helped by reading
the book and having good comments, especially Johan Aronsson, Victoria Nilsson, Lotta Jansson, Peter Ljunglöf and our chairman Bengt Göran Bengtner. Huge thanks to Olle Olsson for the lovely cover, Julius D'Silva and Erik Jaime who has done many of the pictures in the book, and Sara Hyléen from Tobii for the eye-tracking images.


I would like to thank Andreas Slätt for the comments on the
back cover of the book, as well as Magnus Höij for the lovely foreword.


Finally I would like to give a big and warm thank you to Michelle
Cryer who has done a fantastic job translating the book into English
and John Sören Petterson at Karlstad University who invested in the

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